Sunday, June 1, 2008

*%#!! Binkie

I don't know how anyone gets used to these things. Maybe if you sleep on your back and don't ever move your head even an inch it'd be okay - but I sleep on my side and seem to toss a bunch. Every time I move my head the seal would break on the mask and air would flood out into my eyes and make a loud swishing sound. So all night long I wake up significantly enough to turn off the machine, re-position the mask, then restart it and readjust to the air. Usually followed by some cursing. Sigh. This morning I woke up so tired I took the thing off and went back to sleep for 3 hours. Granted I'm sure it was a sleep full of all sorts of apnea, but at least it was sleep.

I'm giving it a week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Binkie is a bummer!