Pods. Circular rotunda with rows and rows and rows of chairs filled with loud, used-to-living-in-an-overpopulated-city, irritated-because-their-flight-was-delayed people facing one another without relief and trying to tune out the incessant, droning, static-y voices announcing boarding activities for 8 different flights all at the same time. One tiny women's bathroom for 2 pods (16+ gates) with only THREE stalls. Only viable eating option is Burger King where in theory you can have it your way but given the line extends out into the pod, there are two workers, and the line to pick up that which was made your way likewise extends out into the pod - 45 minutes and a near riot later you frankly would have been happy to pick onions off yourself if it meant you'd be able to get out of there and away from the life-size triple whopper with cheese poster 30 minutes earlier.
Frankly the San Jose airport gives LAX a good challenge for the God's Glimpse into Hell award - but at least San Jose has a Burger King AND a frozen yogurt place.
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Whereas the Kansas City airport is God's way of showing us he/she has a sick sense of humor. Every gate is enclosed in this glass room, each with its very own security checkpoint and metal/various-objects-that-will kill-us-all-OMG detector. None of these gates have access to food or really any other options other than pressing your face against the glass walls, pleading a Starbucks employee on the other side to fling a venti triple shot macciato over the glass. Soon, you realize that the gate does not have a bathroom either. Any excursions outside subject you once again to strip searches and orifice probing. Oh, and most of the planes route through DFW, so the slightest delay means you could be stuck on the tarmac for 3 hours waiting for your plane to be slotted into the swirling Dallas vortex. Riots, indeed.
Why the hell can't all airports be like Austin's?
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