And then on Friday...

In times of great pain and frigid cold one clings to what one can... and after listening to oh, at least 10 radio ads for unclaimed money... over 50% of WA residents have money they don't even know about! If you ever overpaid on your newspaper, forgot you had a dividend, bought a donut... you might have money - even millions! waiting for you at the state treasury... Sure, the first few times I heard the ad I figured, nah... this won't apply to me, but after 7, 8 ads and the testimonials of people like me who had NO IDEA! and found they had thousands of unclaimed funds... I figured, well, maybe, just maybe, I had a pot of money waiting for me - just waiting in some drawer in Olympia - perhaps even a MILLION! And boy what I wouldn't do with a million dollars. I'd buy that bath mat I'd always wanted, that always seemed so out of reach, so luxurious and frivolous, what with the reality that you can just sop up the pooled water with a towel, and, if you forget and said water turns to mildew or mold, well, you can buy special toxic mildew/mold remover that you can use to kill it and inhale for months on end. No, that bath mat had all the markings of elitism and consumerism. But if I had a million dollars - after giving away 90% to charity, of course, I'd buy that bath mat. Maybe even two...
So, I went to the website and typed in my name, answered several marketing questions, and then hit submit... and smiled, just chuckled to myself thinking of all that donut money I had no idea I had coming. And less than a second later the response. "No record found for that name."
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