Thursday, June 19, 2008

Serving Time

I'm going to jail today. No, not for one too many diet dr peppers. Nope, not due to complaining too much about the drizzle. I'm going to review charts. And lots of them. Aren't you jealous?

It makes me a little nervous each time I go there. Sure, most are there on drug related offenses and as a substitution for mental health care in our society, but some aren't. And there are a lot of locked bars between you and the outside. I suppose that's why they call it "jail"...

Well, at least I can leave for lunch.

I was in Austin for Max's birthday last weekend. Shout out to all you Austinites! I can't believe you all are at 102+ already. We're looking at 64 for today, 67 tomorrow if we're lucky.

One of the things I love about Austin is the ability of folks of vastly different political and cultural ideologies to exist together in relative harmony. You've got staunch Republicans eating breakfast tacos with folks who can (and do) chain themselves to a tree to protect a salamander. You've got ubber conservative mega church Christians shopping at HEB with wiccans. And last weekend you had hoardes of gay folks in town for pride along with a massive motorcycle rally - the roar of motorcycles and flapping of rainbow flags, all in the same sound scape.

Well, I had a great time and it was certainly worth it to see Max slather his face with chocolate cake. I'm sorry for my mom that her mother died this weekend as well, but hopefully this will bring a new era of peace for her in life.

Well, off to work/jail.

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