After several stints in PT I know my pelvis is slightly rotated, which probably accounts for the slightly higher pitch squeak when I step with my right foot than with my left. And the orthotics give off more of a squelching sound. So any given day you can have 3 tones as I walk down the hall.
I have been a little more paranoid of it lately. I mean, really, my coworkers must know me by the sounds I make walking by now. These new Keens (I heart keens) are particularly squeaky and I'm a little concerned that I'm frightening my neighbors. So I'm a little more cognizant of it than usual - and paranoid - so perhaps that's why I noticed today that just walking on a flat surface basically takes you through an entire refrain of the Jeapordy song. squeak, SQUEAK, squeak, SQUEAK, squeak, SQUEAK, squeak... squeak, SQUEAK, squeak, SQUEAK, SQUELCH, squeak-squeak, squeak-squeak, squeak. (I tend to do a little skip dance after every 12 or so steps (heck, why not?!?), hence the faster part at the end...)
I suppose there could be worse things to be associated with. I mean, my squeaks could sound like some horrid kill-your-*(&$! rap song, or a deeply twangy country song, or a 6th grade beginners' concert band, or Barry Manilow's Mandy.
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